# # Name: flat xwindow # # Author: Brian Gomes Bascoy # # Based on Cudcv's .tmwrc (with vtwm extensions) # ###XClock resource### # xclock*geometry: -2+2 # xclock*analog: false # xclock*background: gray # xclock*width: 150 # xclock*height: 28 # xclock*render: false # xclock*padding: 1 ###.xinitrc### # bggen darkcyan darkblue black | xv -8 -quic -root -quit - # xclock -strftime " %a %d %b %I:%M %p" & # # Variables # NoGrabServer RestartPreviousState NoDefaults ShowIconManager SortIconManager IconifyByUnmapping RightHandSidePulldownMenus StayUpMenus StayUpOptionalMenus NaturalAutoPanBehavior NotVirtualGeometries FixManagedVirtualGeometries FixTransientVirtualGeometries ShallowReliefWindowButton AutoRelativeResize InterpolateMenuColors RandomPlacement NoIconifyIconManagers MoveDelta 3 ResizeRegion "Centered" ButtonIndent 1 TitlePadding 5 TitleButtonBorderWidth 1 BorderWidth 1 BorderBevelWidth 0 ButtonBevelWidth 0 DoorBevelWidth 1 IconBevelWidth 2 IconManagerBevelWidth 0 InfoBevelWidth 1 VirtualDesktopBevelWidth 1 IconManagerGeometry "-0+30" 1 # if you don't use xclock set this to -0+3 ClearBevelContrast 40 DarkBevelContrast 40 VirtualDesktop "2x2-0-0" 16 PanDistanceX 100 PanDistanceY 100 PanResistance 750 AutoPan 100 # # Fonts # TitleFont "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-80-*-*-*-*-*-*" ResizeFont "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*" MenuFont "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-80-*-*-*-*-*-*" MenuTitleFont "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-80-*-*-*-*-*-*" DoorFont "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*" IconFont "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*" InfoFont "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*" IconManagerFont "-*-new century schoolbook-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" VirtualDesktopFont "-*-fixed-medium-r-normal--8-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # Lists # WarpCursor NailedDown { "VTWM *" "xclock" "xbiff" "conky" } NoTitle { "VTWM *" "xclock" "xbiff" "conky" } NoBorder { "VTWM *" "xclock" "xbiff" "conky" } DontShowInDisplay { "VTWM *" "xclock" "xbiff" "conky" } IconManagerDontShow { "VTWM *" "xclock" "xbiff" "conky" } NoWindowRing { "VTWM *" "xclock" "xbiff" "conky" } Color { # TWM Simple Color DefaultBackground "grey" DefaultForeground "black" MenuBackground "LightSteelBlue" MenuForeground "black" MenuShadowColor "black" MenuTitleForeground "black" MenuTitleBackground "white" # TWM Complex Color BorderColor "black" { } BorderTileForeground "black" { } BorderTileBackground "white" { } IconBackground "LightSteelBlue" { } IconBorderColor "black" { } IconForeground "black" { } IconManagerBackground "grey" { } IconManagerForeGround "black" { } # VTWM Simple Color RealScreenBackground "orange" RealScreenForeground "yellow" VirtualBackground "grey" VirtualForeground "red" DesktopDisplayBorder "black" { } DesktopDisplayForeground "black" { } DoorBackGround "orange" { } DoorForeGround "black" { } } # # Functions and Bindings # LeftTitleButton ":darrow" = f.menu "arrange" RightTitleButton ":delete" = f.delete RightTitleButton ":dot" = f.iconify RightTitleButton ":resize" = f.resize Button1 = : root : f.menu "apps" Button3 = : root : f.menu "main" Button1 = : title : f.move Button2 = : title : f.resize Button3 = : title : f.raiselower Button1 = : virtual | desktop : f.movescreen Button1 = m : window : f.move Button3 = m : window : f.resize Button1 = : iconmgr : f.iconify Button3 = : iconmgr : f.warp WindowRing WarpVisible "Tab" = m : all : f.warpring "next" "Tab" = m |s : all : f.warpring "prev" "F4" = m : window | title | frame : f.delete "Up" = c | m : all : f.panup "100" "Down" = c | m : all : f.pandown "100" "Left" = c | m: all : f.panleft "100" "Right" = c | m : all : f.panright "100" "Up" = m4 : window | title | frame : f.topzoom "Down" = m4 : window | title | frame : f.bottomzoom "Left" = m4 : window | title | frame : f.leftzoom "Right" = m4 : window | title | frame : f.rightzoom "Return" = m4 : window | title | frame : f.fullzoom "C" = m4 : all : f.exec "urxvt &" # # Menus # menu "main" { " VTWM " f.title "Operations" f.menu "ops" "Demos" f.menu "demos" "Background" f.exec "nitrogen &" "Version" f.version "Caution" f.title "Restart" ("red":"white")f.restart "Exit" ("red":"white")f.quit } menu "demos" { "oneko" f.exec "oneko &" "xsnow" f.exec "xsnow &" "" f.separator "stop demos" f.exec "killall oneko; killall xsnow" } menu "apps" { " Applications " f.title "Network" f.menu "network" "Graphics" f.menu "graphics" "Editors" f.menu "editors" "Terminals" f.menu "terminals" "Audacious" f.exec "audacious &" "Calculator" f.exec "xcalc &" "GNU Go" f.exec "gogui &" } menu "network" { " Network " f.title "Chromium" f.exec "chromium &" "Firefox" f.exec "firefox &" "Thunderbird" f.exec "thunderbird &" "Pidgin" f.exec "pidgin &" "XChat" f.exec "xchat &" "Skype" f.exec "skype &" } menu "graphics" { " Graphics " f.title "Gimp" f.exec "gimp &" "Inkscape" f.exec "inkscape &" "Blender" f.exec "blender &" "GrafX2" f.exec "grafx2 &" } menu "editors" { " Editors " f.title "GVim" f.exec "gvim &" "Gedit" f.exec "gedit &" "xedit" f.exec "xedit &" } menu "terminals" { " Terminals " f.title "URXVT" f.exec "urxvt &" "Terminal" f.exec "gnome-terminal &" "xterm" f.exec "xterm &" } menu "ops" { " Operations " f.title "Auto Pan" f.autopan "New Door" f.newdoor "Snap Screen" f.snaprealscreen "Static Icons" f.staticiconpositions "Warp Snug" f.warpsnug "Warp Visible" f.warpvisible "" f.separator "Show Icon Mgr" f.showiconmgr "Hide Icon Mgr" f.hideiconmgr "Show Desktop" f.showdesktopdisplay "Hide Desktop" f.hidedesktopdisplay "" f.separator "Refresh" f.refresh } menu "arrange" { " Arrange " f.title "Autoraise" f.autoraise "Raise" f.raise "Lower" f.lower "Nail" f.nail "Ring" f.ring "" f.separator "Full Zoom" f.fullzoom "Horiz Zoom" f.horizoom "Vert Zoom" f.zoom "" f.separator "Identify" f.identify "" f.separator "Delete" f.delete "Destroy" f.destroy }